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 The Way Out of Your Problem Reading $55.00

This reading will help you find your way out if your stuck in a dead end situation and you cannot find a solution or a way out. Gives a lot of information as well as a Feelings Reading at the end of the person that is the problem for you.  Also the thoughts, your thoughts and when did the difficulties start. What is your wish to have happen?  I will then meditate on your situation and help you find your way.

This reading is very thorough and I will go through several steps to help you on your way to more peace.

I need your FULL name and FULL birthdate (month, day and year) Please provide me with an email address that I can reply to or will use the one from your paypal address. Please check your spam mail if you have not received your reading. If you still have not received it, please contact me right away. I send all readings out in the timeframe given (usually 2-5 days)