
Please send personal information to as it may be more convenient for you then using the contact form. You may also leave messages of information in paypal message area, if they are short because alot of times if message runs too long, it does get cut off

 SPECIAL Extended Prediction Reading for 2025 $55.00

We are approaching the Holidays and I hope everyone is enjoying this lovely time of the year!  Lets look to see what is ahead for you!


I am offering a special, until the end of this year, for this Extended Prediction Reading for 2025 Your own personal predictions you can look back on as we go through 2025! 5 Predictions with an extended Personal Channeled Message about the New Year for you, as well as additional angelic message. 

 This Reading of 5 Predictions with a Channeled Message and an Angelic Message is a one time offer at this incredibly low price so everyone can take advantage of this offer, I will not offer again at that price, take advantage now

Please include your full birthday (month/day/year) for this reading.